Wednesday, June 3, 2009

follow up to birth control changing smell perception

This smell abstract follows up my earlier post Nothing in Nature Abstains

Published in 2001, it addresses rhinomanometric and olfactometric outcomes of oral contraception. I believe this affects men and women, as cross research reveals.

Care and concern in developing safe, effective birth "control" is required, for as a culture, we are affecting base responses to socio-sexual cues, recreation, procreation and care of progeny. Perhaps going back to basics is required. Investigative pharmacognosy research into native plant uses, uses by midwives prior to witch accusations, and B.C.E.; and investigation into surviving oral and written information can help adjust current research to homeostatic balance.

In 1996 I edited an obstetrical/gynecological paper for publication in JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association, for a doctor concerned with radical increase in bleeding with the variety of hormonal introductions into women's systems. The newest forms of birth control that stop, or radically reduce, external bleeding is the other extreme of the range. A sane balance is needed. Balance between body and health, plant wisdom and technology. I request going back to basics. Clues to start: wild yam, quinine ...

Personally, I frame this within the sense of smell, as this is key way of moving through life, consciously and unconsciously.

Affecting the senses is power. If you believe it is a mild side affect that women dull their sense of smell (see article) hormonally, imagine living with a cold or allergy that takes away all your pleasure of eating any of your favorite dishes. Study anosmia.

tagline from 1960's ad campaign It's not nice to fool Mother Nature.

There is always a price.

Another sub-cultural extreme is using abortion as birth control. As a recent guest lecturer at Chapman University, Santa Maria campus, California, I mentioned that abortion affects men as well as women, extrapolating the numerous ways, to rapt attention. This was delivered to a class within the sociology department, on cultural movements of the 1960's and their relevance today.

Smell is intelligence.