Smell It! ... exploring olfactory dimensions in contemporary art at the Stedelijk Museum, click here
Presenting recent developments in smell culture with the experience of scent
Artists: Peter de Cupere (lecture), Sue Corke/Hagen Betzwieser (art work), Valentina Hulsman
(olfactory performance).
Jim Drobnick examines the practice of distillation in contemporary olfactory art, connecting the artistic search for new ways of addressing aesthetic and political dimensions of urban experience.
Round Table Discussion: Peter de Cupere, Jim Drobnick, anthropologist Yolanda van Ede, Adam Tasi of SmartNose.
Moderator: Caro Verbeek, olfactory art historian. The 2 lectures will include visuals and smells provided by Aroma Jockey Dr. Perfume and visual artist VJ ED (AromaVisuals).here
In the exhibition Monumentalism: History and National Identity in Contemporary Art, Job Koelewijn presents an olfactory art work.
The Stedelijk Museum has other art works in its collection that use the sensory experience of smell, such as Edward Kienholz's The Beanery 1965.
Painting: Calm: lastor