People need connectors writers, heroes, stars, leaders to give life form....
Ceremonies, theatre, dancers
to reassert Tribal needs and memories
a call to worship,
uniting above all,
a reversion,
a longing for family and the safety magic of childhood.
Life in the Past Lane - bumper sticker from the Southern California Genealogical Society
Not only are Archival Reconstitutions being created in the perfume world link
but, serendipity brought my attention to a documentary on Cleopatra from the Egyptian point of view, and another from archeological/forensic teams linking ancient royals, including ones excluded from historical texts, Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer. With plastination and the global dna bank it's going to be interesting linking the travels of not only families, recessives and dominants, but of germs, viruses, immunities and more.
Years ago I stood on a crosswalk of Laguna Beach's tourist row when new Hummers filled the street - shiny, new, fast, high, cocky, tourist traffic be damned esprit. There were a lot of them, and most of the Sunday drivers looked like the young military from down the coast, sitting on high. I thought, this'll sell gasoline.
Then I met a woman whose parents had bought a Hummer and she sniffed, what are people doing buying the car if they can't afford the gas? The vehicle reminds me as part hearse.
Arianna Huffington ran for governor of California against Arnold Shwarzenegger. Her site played a great animation - her driving a gas saving Prius and Arnie in his Hummer gas consumptive.
I found it! This animation still makes me laugh here it is from 2003
His direct quote, "I'm for children" plays a bit differently in 2011.
Today I read, in ... the Huffington Post ... that GM General Motors is discontinuing the "controversial brand" read here
Hummer cologne came out with in-depth branding. I test drove a spritz of the aspirational cologne vehicle Hummer 1 and it ran right over me. Just as they are designed to do. In the perfume boutique I worked at years ago, Hummer didn't do great sales but Ferrari Red and Ferrari Black were huge sellers among boys, men and women buying for boys. Aspirational vehicles in a box with the logo on Ferrari yellow.
If you are over 18, 21 or 39 depending on the country where you live, you can click here scroll down to number 3 and listen to the beginning of one Hummer song. I am sure they are singing about the manly cologne in the manly machine.
It is by The Yuppie Pricks and titled Hummer in my Hummer. There, I did it. Linking cars - colognes - music - animation - politics - gasoline - humor!
BO body odor
"The human body excretes or secretes thousands of volatile chemicals, many with strong odors. We leave behind a cloud of bitter ammonia, rotty hydrogen sulfide, vinegary acetic acid, pungent ethyl alcohol and skunky mercaptans. We are short work for bloodhounds."
For those hooked on The Tudors series:
"Henry VIII preferred his dollop laced with rose."
"The Versailles court of Louis XV, known as la Cour parfumee required that a different perfume be worn every day of the week. The king's paramour, Madame de Pompadour, spent 1 million francs to establish a personal perfume bank that would guarantee her perpetual novelty."
I am a macrosmate a good smeller Many mammal macrosmates have a wet nose, detecting wind direction and to varying degrees, odor location. Microsmates are poor or small smellers, the sense appears less important
Anosmates live in an odorless world, the non-smellers, some with only a rudimentary olfactory organ
more in Piet Vroon's Smell: the Secret Seducer Illustration: Shimmer Colors Lura Astor
Sometimes I hear music or see performing ingenuity and remember why I must've become a dancer - my body could play music, lines, chords and variations within one body.
For Fun Ethan Winer plays 37 cello parts ... be on the lookout for their cat with a gold halo
"I’m kind of hooked to the game of art and literature; my heroes are artists and writers.
Listen, real poetry doesn’t say anything, it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through any one that suits you. … and that’s why poetry appeals to me so much – because it’s so eternal.
As long as there are people, they can remember words and combinations of words. Nothing else can survive a holocaust but poetry and songs. No one can remember an entire novel. No one can describe a film, a piece of sculpture, a painting, but so long as there are human beings, songs and poetry can continue.
If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it’s to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel."
Jim Morrison Los Angeles, 1969-70 I feel similarly about perfume, smell, scent, fragrance, odour. Scent is real, scent is abstract. Scent tells a story. Scent opens a door. -LA
The current Olympics men's downhill is how steep? Its vertical drop is greater than the combined heights of the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building, writes Chris Erskine in the Los Angeles Times yesterday.This image alone reminds me of dream time. It's a morph of heights and a wooo hoooo attitude.
Haven't see the Eiffel in person, the Empire when young and we were told, drop a penny off the Empire State Building, and if it hits someone, it'll kill 'em. Funny what we remember.
Wish I'd learn to ski as a kid, when close to gravity. I love watching these athletes combine skill and speed.
Wolfram Huschke, playing cello four decades, says,
"You see, earth oscillates in G [takes bow and plays a G], which is proved.
If you consider we are living the whole of our lives within this sound... actually, it is a rather unclean G coming with harmonics [he bows a ‘G’ rich in harmonics]. Again - there are melodies within. This G [bows again, this time sounding like metal, evoking a rather dissonant wall of sound], ... listening to this vibration of earth rendered audible you’ll find tunes that are reminiscent of the prelude to Bach’s suite in G major [plays an excerpt].
Basically, these are tunes Bach learned from nature since he kind of resonated."
"Each of us learned to say the word cello before we learned to say our own names.
However, since meeting in Stuttgart, Germany in spring 2002, and later, performing together, we ended up forgetting the name of our instrument. Our ensemble's repertoire consists entirely of transcriptions, music not intended to be performed on the cello.
Our goal is to make the listener hear the saxophone playing in The Melody by Sokolov, to make a ragtime-battered piano sound in a silent movie, to let them hear Piazzola play the bandoneon again..."
Maybe it's the hair or smile, but occasionally musician Kirill Timofeev visually reminds me of Pawel Szajda the actor playing Pawel in Under A Tuscan Sun.The four lovely musicians:Kira Kraftzoff, Sergio Drabkine, Kirill Timofeev, Misha Degtjareff The Cello Player: Modigliani 1920
flashback to a
hit in 1967 L'amour Est Bleu click here
As a kid, I thought the adults offered a pretty, pleasantly shmaltzy, song during the heady rock explosion in an era of harpsichords and Color Me ____ . In part it is also because they sang colors! Paul Mauriat's orchestral version here Not bad for elevator music or dancing down a supermarket aisle.
Blue, blue, my world is blue
Blue is my world now I'm without you
Gray, gray, my life is gray
Cold is my heart since you went away
Red, red, my eyes are red
Crying for you alone in my bed
Green, green, my jealous heart
I doubted you and now we're apart
When we met how the bright sun shone
Then love died, now the rainbow is gone
Black, black, the nights I've known
Longing for you so lost and alone Painting: Blue Lura Astor song: L'amour est Bleu music: Andre Popp lyrics: Pierre Cour English lyrics: Brian Blackburn singer: Vicky Leandros
Ding Ding Ding Hear Ye Hear Ye
Flavour & Fragrance Trends
of Two Thousands Ten
I was quietly drifting along the sea’s shore munching on my rhubarb as I rose on my tippy toes to see the white amber dawn, quite a difference from the night before’s mojito green absinthe tongue, not quite the satin wood texture and my eyes felt a bit like I had woody irises but the orange blossom morning and the szechwan pepper sunrise made my youthful grapefruit musk quite provocative in the shocking androgynous way that no one, no one in L.A. is immune to these days. It is simplistically fashionable in that planned simplicity way, unlike the realism of the relaxed tradition a few years ago, everyone running around in yoga gear, then it became Pilates gear, and now it is transparent fashion for us, the voyeuristic data-capturing cultures we are, we are. So? Be bold, ye of many accents and L.A. - rise to the occasion of your Colorful Future.
... poking a bit o’ fun after reading recent pronouncements. Besides I wouldn't munch on rhubarb, I'd make sure it's well cooked ... read on
Color is a Serious Business and they do affect us. I am always impressed at dye lots and Pantone numbers, paint and eyeshadow names, car colors (pleaaaassse do away with military green for the beamer sports cars!) lipstick, blush and juice – the liquids in which fragrance is delivered.
Bell Flavors and Fragrances'
Top 10 fragrance and flavor trends for 2010
based on sample tracking, trend scouting, trend compilations from external sources. Fragrance trends were developed on the basis of trends in fashion, art, color, politics and entertainment. (I got run off a fragrance forum board years back - my essay on perfume can be political.)
As a kid I call Crayola's crayon color Magenta, magnet-a because it seems to magnetize color to itself, or magnetize you to its color, with a magnetic personality. Imagine magenta.
Crayons began my life long love of color names. Cornflower blue was night and day from Prussian blue which became Midnight Blue in the marketing department after some years. Blue-green was different from green-blue.
Graduating on to color names of cosmetics, with the attendant fantasies, on to dyes, art paints, decor paint, flora and more-ah.