Thursday, February 5, 2009

Geeks of a Feminine Persuasion

Caltech Women Rock!

Picture: Before
(Express on South Lake, Pasadena, CA)

the Goddess, the Lover, the Ballerina, the Diplomat, the Fashion Model

Picture: After the Mischief

(Express, on South Lake, Pasadena, CA)

the Chemist, the Astronomer, the Electrical Engineer, the Neuroscientist, the String Theorist, the Geologist, the Chemical Engineer

Once upon a time
in a land of golden sun
there lived some scientists of the girl persuasion and I was witness to some funny doing.

As the on-campus massage therapist offering chair massage and workshops on Stretch: Gain & Maintain Flexibility, a class I had developed incorporating Tai Chi Chuan, body re-education, sports performance, body rehabilitation, stress reduction and energizing and classes on preventative health and health management (a lot of insomnia and TMJ on the campus at that time) 

... I met and conversed with people from all areas of campus life ... ... One day the gossip and giggles were going strong ...

The night before some gal students responded to the window dressing of the local Express store, which caters to their age range, with some creative window dressing of their own. True! Wonderful!

The geeks of the female persuasion got a talking to; the school paid the fine and I thought Express was ridiculous. They missed a massive marketing opportunity. Within walking distance they had a built-in clientele. The $100 or whatever it was Express made on the antics missed many thousands of dollars revenue, they just had to offer 20% off to all Science Girls, or Caltechers, or come on, think of something

More importantly, they sadly missed a true message of real life happening in front of their windows. Brilliant, sexy, gorgeous Caltech women with Incredible Minds and Imagination ... and to think, they could've been wearing Express. We all boycotted the store when we could have been girlcotting and spending.

Tip o' the Hat to those Courageous Geeks

quite a few years have passed and I just came across the photo again